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Welcome to Lifestyle Technology:

Redefining the Future of Living

At Keyto Lifestyle, we’re embarking on an exciting journey that transcends the ordinary and propels us into the realm of innovation and sustainability. 

As a pioneering International Procurement Company with a strong legacy, we have evolved beyond our roots in the Point of Sale (POS) industry, venturing into the uncharted territory of Lifestyle Technology. Our vision is clear: to usher in a new era of products and experiences that harmonize seamlessly with your life while treading lightly on the planet.

Keyto Lifestyle Range:

Portable Multi-Screen

Portable Expandable Multi-Screen is a plug-and-play, multi-functional external, dual portable folding laptop monitor extender.

It provides laptop users with a perfect solution of multi-screen simultaneous display, multi-screen differential display and multi-tasking processing, which improves work productivity and efficiency. This portable Monitor is easy to setup to the laptop without any other accessories. It is lightweight and thin, making it easy to store and carry while traveling.


We bring you a curated selection of cutting-edge Lifestyle Technology products. From sleek E-bikes that blend style and sustainability to meticulously crafted speakers designed to elevate your living spaces, our Keyto Range represents the intersection of innovation and elegance.

A Greener Tomorrow: At the heart of our Lifestyle Technology division lies a deep commitment to green and sustainable practices. We are dedicated to harnessing the power of technology to enhance your lifestyle while reducing our ecological footprint.

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Revolutionizing Mobility with Keyto E-Bikes

E-Bikes for a Sustainable Tomorrow: As the world embraces sustainable solutions, our E-bikes emerge as a beacon of change. Powered by clean and efficient electric motors, they not only reduce your carbon footprint but also grant you the freedom to explore your surroundings with ease. Say goodbye to fossil fuels and hello to guilt-free rides.

Style Meets Performance: Our Keyto E-bikes are more than just a means of transportation; they are a statement of style and performance.eticulously designed with an eye for aesthetics, these bikes turn heads wherever they go. Whether you’re zipping through city streets or embarking on scenic adventures, you’ll do it in style.

Customization for Your Lifestyle: We understand that no two riders are the same. That’s why our Keyto E-bikes come in a range of models, each designed to cater to different preferences. Whether you’re a city dweller seeking a sleek and agile ride or an adventurer craving off-road excitement, we have an E-bike tailored just for you.

Innovative Features: Technology is at the core of our E-bikes. Expect features like smart displays, integrated GPS, and connectivity options that enhance your riding experience. With Keyto E-bikes, you’re not just riding; you’re interacting with the future.

Eco-Friendly Commuting: Join the green revolution by choosing Keyto E-bikes as your preferred mode of transportation. Reduce traffic congestion, lower emissions, and contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment every time you ride.

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Elevate Your Audio Experience with Keyto Lifestyle Speakers.

At Keyto Lifestyle, we understand the profound impact that exceptional audio quality can have on your life. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our meticulously crafted range of speakers designed to immerse you in a world of sound like never before. With a commitment to innovation and a focus on non-commercial excellence, we proudly present our inaugural lineup: the Décor/Application and Lifestyle speakers.

Décor & Application Speakers:

Seamless Integration: Our Décor/Application speakers are engineered to seamlessly integrate into your living spaces. These speakers are not just auditory marvels; they are also exquisite pieces of decor. With a design that complements modern aesthetics, they become an integral part of your home or office.

Uncompromised Sound: Despite their unobtrusive appearance, our Décor/Application speakers deliver uncompromised sound quality. Immerse yourself in crystal-clear audio that fills every corner of your room, enhancing your audiovisual experience to new heights.

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Smart Connectivity: We understand the importance of connectivity in today’s world. Our Décor/Application speakers come equipped with the latest in smart technology, allowing you to effortlessly connect and control your audio from your devices.

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Lifestyle Speakers:

Designed for the Active You: Our Lifestyle speakers are your perfect companion for life on the move. Whether you’re hiking, biking, or simply exploring the world, these speakers are designed to keep up with your active lifestyle. They are rugged, water-resistant, and built to endure the elements.

Immersive Sound, Anywhere: Don’t compromise on sound quality just because you’re outdoors. Our Lifestyle speakers deliver immersive audio experiences in any environment. From picnics in the park to beachside bonfires, enjoy your favorite tunes with clarity and depth.